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One Stop Student & Teacher Success Solutions

UpBrainery works with Schools, Districts & All Educational Institutes to create technological solutions that cater to YOUR needs.


Students can begin to explore their careers in the classrooms with UpBrainery’s EdTech solutions.


CTE Clusters



UpBrainery covers 16 different CTE clusters. From financial literacy to money management and planning and starting your own business. 


Information Technology

Application Designer

Programming w/ Scratch

Fundamentals of Cybersecurity

Business and Entrepreneurship

Money Management

Leadership Development

Business Fundamentals

Health Science

Medical Science Academy

Medical Office Administration

Wellness and Nutrition

Arts, A/V Technology  and Communications

3D Animators


Graphic Designer

Hospitality and Tourism

Business of Tourism

Business of Food

The Blogger Life

Agriculture Food and  Natural Resources

Farm to Table

Animal Hospital

Environmental Science

Badges / Credentials


Immersive Content

Engaged Students

Our Philosophy

Our Technology

UpBrainery's All in one technology software solution with plug and play modules to help with content delivery.

User Friendly

Instructional Delivery

Builds Engagement 

Through  Immersive Curriculum

Virtual Tools and

Video Conferencing

Build Once Use Many Times

1:1 Success Coaching

Micro Credentialing and

Custom Pathways


The Curriculum

Our instructional design team create custom curriculum or modify existing content to fit your needs. Curriculum is build to keep students engage and excited. 

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3D Models

Augmented Reality


How It Helps Students & Teacher

Badges, Leaderboard, and pathways help gamify the learning experience

BrainLab facilitates teaching and learning online and in-classrom

Preparing students for career success and exploration

Enables teachers to guide and assist students in CTE through technology

Enables students to acquire skills for personal and professional success

Available for synchronous, asynchronous and hybrid delivery.

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