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A Solution  Cater To Your Needs

UpBrainery works with Schools, Districts & All Educational Institutes to create technological solutions that cater to YOUR needs.

With UpBrainery - Students can begin to explore their careers in the classrooms

Badges / Credentials


Immersive Content

Engaged Students

Our Philosophy

Expertise in Educational Software and Licensable Content 

BrainLab is a platform where Cutting Edge Technology Meets Neuroscience Based Curriculum. 


Content aligned to 16 CTE Clusters with Interactive and engaging content.

Verifiable badges and credentials for skills gained - increase motivation and better long term engagement.

Immersive and interactive learning addresses multiple modalities to increase engagement from students.

Standards-aligned to state and national standardsÛ”

Available for synchronous, asynchronous and hybrid delivery.

Tech designed to offer teacher facing content to teachers and students facing content to students.

Gaming, leaderboards, rewards, badges, and micro-credentials.

Tech designed to offer teacher facing content to teachers and students facing content to students.

CTE Curriculum

UpBrainery covers 16 different CTE clusters. From financial literacy to money management and planning and starting your own business. 


These pathways take students through the ins and outs of credit, banking basics and provide a foundation for the entrepreneurial mindset. Students walk through the art of pitching and learn all about product-market fit.


Even our little ones are taught financial literacy through videos and hands-on activities featuring a cute furry family that deals with allowance and budgeting issues.

Information Technology

Health Science

Business and Entrepreneurship

Arts, A/V Technology

and Communications

Agriculture Food and Natural Resources

Information Technology

Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

Hospitality and Tourism

Where Cutting Edge Technology Meets Neuroscience Base Curriculum

UpBrainery's All in one technology software solution with plug and play modules to help with content delivery.

Instructional Delivery Options

Builds Engagement 

Through  Immersive Tools 

Adaptive Technology To

Build Customized Pathways

Build Once Use Many Times

1:1 Success Coaching

Micro Credentialing and

Custom Pathways

How BrainLab Support Educational Organizations?

UpBrainery’s innovative platform provides AI driven solutions to help teachers and schools deliver quality courses that support 21st-century skills.


We are transforming the way students experience education through AI, Machine Learning and

Augmented Reality while making everything accessible, easier, and comprehensive for

administrators, teachers, students and parents.


Our instructional design team can create custom curriculum or modify existing content.

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3D Models

Augmented Reality



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